Sunday, 22 April 2012

Jon Stewart

Great segment on Larry King Live interviews Jon Stewart.
One of the reasons I like The Daily Report!
Here is another interesting show discussing why News dressed as Comedy works.

Finally, this interview with the discredited Whitehouse journalist Helen Thomas - who is clearly an pro-Palestine and anti-Israel yet claims to be misunderstood.  When given the chance to explain herself she continues with an unintelligible rant that only digs her grave deeper.   It is particularly gratifying that Democrat supporter Joy Behar was the one asking the questions.

I have a hard time understanding how this women was attached to the Whitehouse Press by Hearst Newspapers for 58 yrs?  Then there are these rabid left-wing Jews who support Helen Thomas - Code Pink.

Thursday, 12 April 2012

Santorums Gettysburg Address

An impressive challenge for Republican Presidential Candidate is over for Rick Santorum. Here is his impressive campaign speech. I especially liked his point that "strong families and moral fiber make this families the moral enterprise that makes America Strong."

Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Apple vs Google Security fails

I just watched this youtube video.
It is clear that Apple web activity has serious, multiple security risks via online access (see presentation at about 26:00).  All this is compared to a Google Chromebook - which does MUCH better at physical security because the closed.   Of concern is Web Aps and Extensions that have numerous opportunity's for breeches.

Then there was this.

Revisionist History

I watched this Perimeter Institute lecture by Freeman Dyson.  In particular his comments about conventional American opinions about the impact of dropping the H-bomb on Hiroshima in precipitating surrender in WWII. He suggests it was due to concerns about the fall of Manchuria - which Japan had invaded in at the begining of the war 1939.

The other part that was interesting was the application of "Moores Law" which is the law of just about everything concerning electronic components (volume goes up by factor of 100 and the cost falls by factor of 100 every decade) to Genome Sequencing.  [The Human Genome Project started 20 years ago cost $1bn and took 10 years , could now be done in a month for $100,000 and in 10 years will cost $1,000 and would take a day.]  This means smaller, smarter cheaper computers as toys for 3 yr-olds and are - against our expectations - user friendly.  He finally mentioned Von Neumann and Norbert Werner who contributed to software systems development.

The consequence of this is that in 2000 it became cheaper to collect information than understand it so we have been drowning on the flood of information and it is only going to get worse.  [Jim Glick - information history, theory and flood.  Our function now it to create "islands of meaning" in the flood of information.  This applies to art, science and literature - all kinds of creativity.]

[This lead to another 1,000 year futureology forecast.]

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Disaster - Canadian Style!

Gosh - U.S Democrats are starting to mimic Canada way to much! SCOTUS Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg dismisses her own Constitution and recommend Canada Charter of Rights and Freedoms to new Egyptian Brotherhood?   Lord, save us.

At the same time, Thomas Sowell notes that despite teaching Constitutional Law at Harvard, President Obama seems unaware that a major purpose of the U.S Supreme Court is to strike down legislation passed by a duly elected government in Congress WHEN IT VIOLATES THE CONSTITUTION!



Thomas Sowell had this great article about why Fedex would rather make a settlement of $3million than drag out litigation for years.  He points out some of the obvious "discrimination" stats that indicate developed skills - not civil rights abuses.   I am reminded of another story in Freakonomics - that NHL Hockey Players are disproportionately born in the 1st few months of the year.

Fox News Ticker
