Tuesday, 8 November 2011

The Freudian roots of Shakespeare’s doubters

New movie "Anonymous" addresses conspiracy theory's of the 16th Century - specifically "who REALLY wrote Shakespeare's plays?".     It is a film I want to see and it reminds me of a great REAL detective story about the untimely death of Elizabethan contemporary playwright Christopher MARLOWE in book entitled "The Recking: The Murder of Christopher Marlowe" by Charles Nicholl.

Monday, 7 November 2011

Immigration moves to the front-burner

Immigration Minister Jason Kenny announced last week that Canada will stop accepting new applications for the Parents and Grandparents Immigration program for 2 years to deal with the 40,000 applicants currently backlogged.    Any of these applicants can visit Canada under special Visas for up to 2 years - so this should not create a problem for families.

By coincidence, there has also been a kerfuffle in the UK as Border Security seems to have decided to undermine it's governments orders and has been lax about screening immigrants entering the country.  Here is Melanie Phillips article about the story.    Phillips makes allusions to Enoch Powells infamous "Rivers of Blood" speech of April 1968 that led to his ouster from the Conservative Party.

What I did not realzise was that Powell's speech sparked a reaction within the party to soften the Conservatives Immigration policies - and in fact this calamity was considered a key factor in contributing to Edward Heath's surprise victory a few years later in the General election of June 1970.

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