Saturday, 20 August 2011

More Police Incompetence

This shocking case became public yesterday - and it is another example of how the police in general have lost their way. I can not believe their insensitivity and stupidity. $2.5 million does not seem enough.


Friday, 19 August 2011

30 Years After - AIDS

I read a great article in most recent edition of Walrus Magazine entitled "Life after Death" which is a young gay man's attempt at understanding the cultural divide between him, his "generation: and the generation preceding who faced the 1st AIDS Epidemic.

It is a difficult read.
I remember when gay men were dropping like flies.
It was not pretty.  Even though I do not pinch-hit, many of these fellows were all very talented and vibrant contributors to our society.  Yes, I do have a certain amount of annoyance with anyone who exhibits the stereotypical flamboyant, over the top, limp-wristed "caricature" (Think "La Cage aux Folles") but it is just that a roll-your-eyes displeasure at the overt promotion of sexuality above all else. It took 10 years to unwind much of the mystery behind the disease and there was definite shock that when "Patient Zero" was identified - he turned out to be a gay Air Canada flight attendant named Gaetan Dugas.

The article makes it clear that now, 4/10 Gay men today are HIV+ and they are just as promiscuous as pre-1980.  No-one takes precautions any more because with the expensive drug cocktails freely available under our healthcare system, they have lost the "incentive" to be careful.  In teh old days - it WAS Life or Death - now it is just a annoying drug regime.

One of the best motif's in the article was the (infamous) counterculture representation of AIDS by Toronto artist General Idea - the counterpoint to Robert Indiana's LOVE image.  The article started each letter of each section with this illustration.

But, here is an old fav from Woodstock 1969.

It features Alvin Lee of Ten Years After who are both still going! (except  Alvin split decades ago and tours/records separately.)

Saturday, 13 August 2011

Mubin Shaikh - a Canadian Muslim

I just watched Ezra Levant's interview with Mr. Mubin Shaikh, who was the undercover RCMP operative who infiltrated the "Toronto 18" terror group.  I am very impressed with his comments and I hope that he is a success.

And to unmask the perfidy of Libya and Iran criticizing Britain in it's crack down of rioters for Human Rights abuses is really rich.  Here was another observation by Mr. Majed El Shafie of   He points out that between 4-6,000 homosexuals (gay and lesbians) have been executed in Iran over the past few years as it is a crime to be homosexual.  Ezra points out that even the most virulent right-wing politician in Canada would support such a law.

Civil unrest in UK

Melanie Phillips in the UK is leading the charge in describing the riots that have wracked Britain over last week are due to a complete break-down in civil society. 

The son of a Muslim small businessman (Tariq JAHAN) was run down and killed while attempting to protect his family's store in Birmingham.

An account of 13yr old rioter seems pretty lame - I mean he admitted he had it for self-defense to police.

Sunday, 7 August 2011

Poetry kick

This is another impressive use of poetry by Shane Koyczan - with a bit of additional music from US student.
The raw poem is here.  And another pretty good patriotic work (but we don't agree on politics).
And since he comes from Vancouver, this taunt heart string work.


Saturday, 6 August 2011

Everybody Knows

The current state of America.

Lyrics here.
Also great Cohen poems see,  A Thousand Kisses Deep, The Book of Longing, There for You,  and Because of a Few Songs.

Link1 (and newer 2008 live version)
Link3  (or Link4)

Finally, here's a Red Needle to ya!.

h/t LRC blog

Reference: 1heckofaguy blog

Tuesday, 2 August 2011

America's "Big Fat Greek" Debt

Ok, Stand down - made in DC crisis averted.
But seriously, THIS IS THE SOLUTION?
If this kind of Debt Ceiling change was proposed just a few years ago people's heads would have blown up.
I am with Ann Coulter and Michelle Bachman on this one.


Monday, 1 August 2011

What do you say when your regulator asks for a donation?

Yes, Ms Corbella has got this right, but "tone-deaf" is far too kind.
I can't wait to replace Ron Liepert and hopefully we don't get someone worse.

Another similar experience was during the PC Leaders Debate.


Questions about Police Ability

Today I read this article about the question of an officer "fabricating evidence" that raised very serious questions about the honestly of a police Detective in Ontario.  But there have been a number of troubling problems in the past year and I think Judges and the general public are becoming rather dissatisfied by this kind of behaviour.

In still another case, the police so badly tainted the case by flagrant disregard of the criminals rights that he was forced to dismiss the case in a mistrial!

Finally - and for me the most shocking example of ineptitude - the case against the kids in the Bosco Homes murders was thrown-out - due to improper advice given to the kids when charged.


First Apple, now IKEA?

Brand expropriation has reached the next level in China.  First they started with the fake Apple stores - so good even experienced Westerners had a hard time telling them apart.  Now, a chain called "Furniture 11" has done the same by copying  the IKEA shopping experience right down to the iconic Swedish national colours of yellow and blue.  NIKE and other are also being effected.


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