Sunday, 11 July 2010

First Climategate, then Glaciergate - and now Amazongate!

Only last week was the most odious whitewash of the infamous Climategate was released. (Climategate refers to the unauthorized release of hundreds if personal emails between a number of prominent scientists who are Global Warmings proponents. They showed the high level of deceit, scientific fraud and ethical bankruptcy that they engaged in to promote moral false research to further their own personal agendas regarding Global Warming.)  The stench reached around the world.  Canadian climate sceptics were instrumental in exposing many of the weaknesses that drove these "scientists" to deny the fraud.

Of course many are still waiting for the resignation of the ex-railway engineer who heads the IPCC over Glaciergate - again hysterical claims that claimed there was credible, peer reviewed research to support the serious claim that all of the Himalayian Glaciers would melt by 2035!  It turned out it was mostly from an environmental special interest groups article - no research was actually found.  A well-regarded author cited in the chapter said he knew it was false, but no one asked him about it and he figured it was not his job to correct the supposedly "rigorous review" of the material by the well paid IPCC editors.

Then this week is Amazongate.  It turns out that one of the most widely publicised statements in the 2007 report of the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change – a claim on which tens of billions of dollars could hang  - that climate change was putting at risk up to 40 per cent of the Amazon rainforest - was not based on peer-reviewed science, as repeatedly claimed, but originated solely from anonymous propaganda published on the website of a small Brazilian environmental advocacy group. (note about Wood Hole)

How many other examples before this gravey-train gets called back to the station?

On a slightly related topic is "climate sceptic" James Delingpole observation about Wikipedia.
[it has been] ... has been hijacked and corrupted by a cabal of left-leaning political activists.

Tuesday, 6 July 2010

Australia shows the way

Recently there has been a bloodless coup in Australian Federal Politics - PM Kevin Rudd, faced with losing a leadership vote due to popular reversals on Climate Change and Immigration Policy stepped down in favour of his leading Deputy Julia Gillard.   It was a shockingly sudden reversal of fortunes for Rudd.

The Kyoto/Copenhagen Climate Change volte face was understandable after "Climategate" but the immigration move was puzzling.   Yet here is Melanie Phillips take on a trend that is also gaining speed in the UK, titled "Politicians finally hear the people say ‘enough’".
As for the boats of asylum-seekers, Gillard has made clear she wants to be even more effective in stopping them in order to protect ‘our sanctuary’ and ‘the Australian way’.
In Britain even more than in Australia — where at least John Howard or Tony Abbott have tackled such issues — race and culture have long been totally taboo. No debate has been possible about whether mass immigration might be a bad thing for communities or the country as a whole.
Even to question this has been to invite instant denunciation as a racist from the dominant left-wing intelligentsia, for whom anti-racism has long been their signature creed. 
So Gillard is now humming the same tune, saying she sympathises with voters’ desire for strong management of Australia’s borders, and pledging ’sustainable population’ increase with the ‘right kind of immigrant’.
A similar political convulsion is occurring in Britain. The Conservative Home Secretary, Theresa May, has promised to put a cap on immigration, a pledge that was in the Conservative manifesto but rarely mentioned during the election campaign. 
How long before the Liberals in Canada recognize this as well.

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