Friday 15 May 2015

NORK Executions point to growing political instability/leadership insecurity

From the Wall Street Journal:

South Korean intelligence reports had several nice and executions of top North Korean officials under the regime of Kim Jiang and ... the most recent the country's defence Minister Hong Myung told ... Mr Zhang was reportedly killed by TNT aircraft fire in front of an audience of hundreds for treason ... including falling asleep during an event attended by can jump in and satellite images of published in a report last month by the Committee for human rights in North Korea ... showing area fifty miles north of Pyongyang ... it believes is where the public execution of several high level officials light anti aircraft missiles has taken place it matches the location where South Korea's intelligence service claims ... Mr Tang was killed South Korea claims that Mr can has been on a leadership courage and ordered the execution and fifteen other top officials in the first few months of this year among them to vice ministers who are said to have been killed for complaining about Mr. Kim's leadership ... and members of the hossy Orchestra Sorkin's ex girlfriend was said to be up reform are the most high-profile execution under Mr Kam occurred in December twenty thirteen when he killed his uncle Tom some tacked on charges of Chase and soon after Mr Johns top two lieutenants I said to have also met their death in front of anti aircraft weapons reports of executions are often impossible to verify in the world's most secretive nation and North Korea has in the past publicly denied claims and executions by South Korean intelligence ... even as recent urge is to experts say it could be a sign Mr can is insecure about his position and trying to exert his authority ...

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